Thursday, February 28, 2008

One Year

You read that title right! More than one year has past since this non-spanish speaking American girl arrived in Ecuador. Now, after a year in Ecuador and a little over 10 months in Tabuga, I am Manaba. Manaba refers to people from Manabi which is the province I am in. The Manaba stereotype is someone that likes to dance, talks really fast and cuts words short and doesn't really do much work. I fulfill that stereotype incredibly well except for the work part. When I am in Quito talking to Ecuadorians or with other volunteers they can't get over my Manaba accent. Part of me feels really proud because I have learned a lot of Spanish and truly integrated into my new culture. The other part is a little worried because the Manaba accent and phrases aren't used or understood in other parts of Ecuador or in other Spanish speaking countries. In terms of work, I feel like I have already done a lot at my site and with the Gender and Development committee and I can only imagine that the next 14 months of my Peace Corps service are not going to disappoint me in terms of work.

One year went by way too fast and everyone says the second year is suppose to go by even faster. I am incredibly happy, still positive, helping and learning everyday. Tabuga rocks my body and I think I'm doing an okay job embracing my assignment and helping out where I can. A lot of people in my town tell me I am never going to leave, some tell me they hope I stay forever. I know a part of me will always be in Tabuga, and this Manaba girl I've grown into will stay with me forever and forever.

But, it's not over yet, thank goodness.