Monday, August 18, 2008

Adventures of A - squared

¨How cool is it when you go somewhere that you know has cool things and you find more cool things that you didn´t even know about?¨

Let me tell you... very very cool.

I have become very profound with my amazement with the Galapagos. Happiness is pouring out of my nose and ears. Want to know why?

Yesterday we left Isla San Cristobol after a wonderful night of dancing at an Ecuadorian discoteca. AJ got his first taste of being the only white person somewhere and forever will remain the ¨most attractive guy that I have ever seen¨according to overly excited Ecuadorian girls who swooned over the baby blues. AJ even danced with them one after another and afterwards they thanked me for sharing my cousin. AJ and I tell peeps we are cousins because it´s a lot easier than explaining that in our culture it´s normal to have friends of the opposite sex. I think my family would totally adopt him as a cousin so AJ Crosby (weird those are my initials) is in, especially considering he is the most attractive guy in the world, we only like pretty people.

From Cristobol, still tipsy from the shots that our Ecuadorian island buddies were feeding us, we took a boat to Isla Santa Cruz. We had the morning to explore the island before heading to Isla Isabela and this is where cool things that we didn´t even know existed appeared. First we went to what the Lonely Planet guide book describes as one of the most beautiful beaches on the Galapagos. We took the long walk away from town through a forest of cactus trees. Literally these trees were incredible having normal trunks and instead of leaves, cacti. We were a little skeptical because the walk took awhile but when we arrived it was all worth it. The white soft sand beach was georgeous and instead of regular rocks they were lava rocks. AJ and I have decided were really super tourists because we tend to explore more than the average tourists. It definitely payed off when we wandered into three huge iguanas (picture will be posted someday), a bunch of cool crabs and lots of cool lizards. On the walk back we happened to wander down a little bath to a salt water lake. Even with AJs sick camera the photos don´t do it justice. The water was an incredible green and so refreshing. A great little bonus cool thing in a world of cool things.

From Santa Cruz AJ and I hopped on a small boat for a 2 hour ride to Isla Isabela. It´s the biggest of the islands and was recommended because it has great variety. On the boat I was worried that a little girl was going to have a heart attack. I realize it´s not common for 4 year olds but the amount of fear radianting from this girl was intense, she screamed ¨Please stop the boat sir¨ for about twenty minutes, tears rolling down her face and a piece of chocolate, meant to distract her, melted in her knuckle whitening clentched fist.

Now, on Isabela life continues to suprise me. We´ve seen some really amazing stuff but after hiking today I am burnt out and need a power nap before dinner and another night of dancing with AJ and whatever Ecuadorians are drawn to us. Being with the most attractive guy in the world happens to draw people in. If only I had some sweet baby blues...

Peace, love and the Galapagos!

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